Technicolor Line: A New Episode

Sunday, October 16, 2005

IT Searches For Me

Take No Fight
Not the outward appearance
The manner be short of sense
Rising rebellion’s aim
Not beyond pain itself
Only how the arrest conceal
Even a pang of grief

Not your positive response
Only your effort to embark on
My undemanding emblem of desolation

Lay your hands once more
Give Sorry’s one-sided justice
You’d throw me outside the yard of ache
Let me fly yet I lose even a single tear of my character

My lone soul left without any scar
But it hurts more than a fresh wound

Are you Dimness who makes tainted things hidden
Yet felt consuming splendid room for hope
Are you there
Because you just have to subsist

Demand not to see

End my thoughts of you through this

Done, yes I am for the last note of my breath


A second post for today. I just felt the need to share that poem which I made earlier. I don't have to lower myself just to please anyone. You asked me what seems to be wrong. Straightforward you heard my words but not together with the feelings attached to them.


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